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Px90 Nutrition Plan Free

First of all, this is an amazing post. Second of all I really do find p90x nutrition guide to complicated. Therefore I finished p90x without following nutrition plan and just eating what made sense to me. We know the P90X Nutrition Plan inside and out and have created a simpler system to help YOU maximize your results. We use a performance-based assessment system that goes beyond what the number on the scale says and digs into your goals. We also help keep you accountable and motivate you. Take advantage of our FREE P90X coaching and go sign up NOW! Feb 03, 2014 What I have put together below is a 7 day example of my P90X3 meal plan. My intake is set to 2400 calories per day and I have matched the P90X3 Nutrition Plan macros, which are 30% proteins, 40% carbs, and 30% fats (30/40/30). Some things you need to understand about my meals: These are what work best for me!


ConsumersCompare.org Staff

Updated on May 21, 2019

Parlaying the wild success of the first P90X program, Beachbody came out with their second version of the fitness program dubbed P90X2. As with the first P90X, P90X2 comes with the P90X Nutrition Plan. This is what is to be followed for the entire time participants are doing P90X2. The P90X Nutrition Plan consists of three phases each lasting 30 days and coinciding with the three different training blocks of the P90X2 program.

The first phase of the P90X Nutrition Plan is the Fat Shredder phase. It is a high protein, low carbohydrate phase that is supposed to help participants shred excess fat quickly.

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The second phase is called the Energy Booster Stage and rebalances the mix of proteins and carbohydrates to almost 50/50. This is supposedly needed as the workouts start to intensify and your body will therefore be demanding more energy.*

The third phase is the Endurance Maximizer and is meant to help get participants through the rest of the program. It is said to be molded after what professional athletes consume and has a bit more on the carbohydrate side as opposed to the Energy Booster stage.

Each phase consists of five daily meals and extreme levels of fitness that take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to complete. Supplements are also recommended and sold separately by Beachbody.

Do Dieters Lose Weight On The P90X Nutrition Diet?

Dieters will lose weight while using the P90X Nutrition Plan, but only if they also do the required six days of intense working out as well. The P90X Nutrition Plan was designed to compliment an extreme workout and without the workouts it will do little good. If anything, this program is more of a workout program rather than a weight loss program. People are getting into great shape and building muscle while participating. A lot of the exercises require pull ups, and push ups so beware if you are not in the kind of shape to jump right into something like that.

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Is The P90X Nutrition Diet Easy To Follow?

The P90X Nutrition Plan itself is easy to understand, but following it can be a challenge. There are no blow off days allowed and the number of calories that you might be used to will be dramatically cut. Cravings can be expected and will have to be fought off regularly.


In addition, the exercise routines that are required with P90X2 are very extreme. Each session is either weights, cardio, or a combination of the two and a good deal of time is required to be sacrificed in order to successfully complete the program. Many find the exercising either too hard or just too time-consuming, but the P90X Nutrition Plan won’t work without the exercising. This program is tough to follow for even the fitness fanatics.

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The P90X Nutrition Plan comes with lots of hard work and upfront costs. The P90X2 program itself costs about $330 plus shipping and there is also the cost of food to be considered. In addition, Beachbody suggests that you buy their vitamins, supplements, and meal bars which can greatly add to the overall cost. If you do not have equipment like a pull up bar, or some weights you also will need to invest in those.

However, what can’t be discounted is just how extreme the P90X2 program is. Those just getting into weight loss and fitness will struggle mightily with P90X2 and with the P90X Nutrition Plan.

You can find the P90X Nutrition Plan here and use it accordingly


  • The P90X Meal Plan

You may try to exercise as hard as you can, but if you don’t control what you eat, your results may not be the way you want them to be. What improves fitness is the input you give to your body.

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Beachbody knows that fitness is not only exercising, but proper nutrition, too. That’s why every one of their Programs include nutrition guide.

I have a fitness and nutrition degree, with vast knowledge of exercise and solutions to get in shape. That’s why I know that without the right nutrition plan you can only achieve 20-30% of your results. But, to get the rest you’ll have to eat properly, according to your fitness efforts.

That’s what Beachbody and Toni Horton know, so with experts’ help they have designed the P90X Meal plan according to the workout phases.

The P90X Meal Plan

It is a three phase nutrition plan that provides the right food so that you endure throughout the workout plan and build your body the way you want it to be.

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The meals will fuel your body with enough calories and nutrients so that you feel full and have the energy to complete the workouts with easiness.

But, this is not a meal plan unique for all. It’s a meal plan that is fully customizable for everyone to create according to their needs. It’s because not everyone is built the same and one size does not fit all.

The P90X meal plan is in 3 phases:

Phase 1 of the P90X diet, also the Fat-Shredder phase,

Is a diet high in protein, low in fat, and low in carbohydrates. During this first phase, you may notice significant loss of energy from the lower carbohydrates, but also significant weight loss.

Phase 2 of the P90X diet, the Energy Booster,

is similar 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat.

Phase 3 of the P90X diet, the Endurance Maximizer,

is nicknamed an athletic diet for this reason: unless you have extremely low body-fat levels, you should avoid this phase of the diet entirely and stick to the Energy Booster phase or you’ll likely add unwanted body fat.

The P90X Meal plan eating schedule

The P90X Meal plan will fit well into anyone’s eating schedule – five meals: three main meals and two snacks a day, and is fairly easy to follow, especially once you figure out your portion sizes.

The start of this Meal plan is Phase 1. However, you decide how long you stay in each phase. It’s recommended you go through each phase, but the time you take with each one depends on your daily caloric needs, energy level and previous eating habits. If any of the phases make you feel not ready to go with the workouts, you should consider changing the phase and fuel your body properly so that you are able to finish P90X workouts.

Phase 1

Fat Shredder is the first Phase of the meal plan. It’s the start of the Meal plan and the start of P90X.

That’s the phase when you will shred the most body fat because the diet is mostly protein intake, reducing carbs and fat intake. Calories that will enter your body will be 50% from protein, 30% from carbohydrates and 20% from fats. Most of your meals in this phase will consist of vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats.

This way of eating will lead to quick losing weight. And because your carbohydrate intake is limited it will decrease water retention and burn fat, because the fuel source: carbs aren’t there.

So, if you need more fat and weight to lose you can stay longer in this phase. It’s up to you.

P90X Meal Plan: Phase 2

Energy Booster is the second phase of the P90X Nutrition. It includes meals that will help you endure in your P90X challenge. Now, you can take more carbs, but the same amount fat as in Phase 1. Calories that will enter your body will be 40% from protein, 40% from carbohydrates and 20% from fats. The carbs intake will provide your body extra energy, thus improve your fitness. This will help you continue with the P90X workouts and not give up because of lack of endurance.

P90X Meal Plan: Phase 3

Endurance Maximizer is the last phase of the P90X nutrition. After completion of P90X workouts this is the nutrition to keep. In this phase the carbs intake is once again increased, and the fats intake remains the same. So, the calories that will enter your body will be 20% from protein, 60% from carbohydrates and 20% from fats.

This is a diet plan that athletes can follow and keep their performance to a high level. It is a balanced nutrition plan that includes complex carbs (for more energy and endurance), lean proteins (for muscles creation) and healthy fats (again for energy). This will help you finish P90X, after you’ve lost the excess weight, and get much stronger.


The good thing in the whole Meal Plan is that you have no restriction in how long you stay at any phase. You can be in the first phase for 1 week, or 2 months. It’s up to you and your body how much you want to stay in each phase. It deppends on how you feel and what kind of results you need to achieve.

You are advised to customize your plan according to your needs. What should be your guidance are your bi-weekly measurements that shows your progression. They will show you if you need to make changes to your Meal plan.

P90x nutrition book

You can find the P90X Nutrition Plan here and use it accordingly.

What are your experiences with the P90X Nutrition plan? Do you need any advice?

P90x Nutrition Guide Free

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